Kō Bakery
We are a locally owned and operated bakery in Lihue, HI. We have been in business as Kō Bakery for over 10 years and are a well-known and respected business. We focus on tropical-inspired cakes and baked goods and are the number one supplier of cakes on Kauai island, providing wedding cakes to the most […]
Island Preserve
Aloha Edibles, Inc
Aloha Edibles dba Paniolo Gourmet, is a grass roots company that started as friends working together at a restaurant where we created a beef jerky chip using Grandma Ho's recipe. This is truly a Hawaiian style snack that was influenced by the paniolos (cowboys) of Hawaii! Following our dreams we opened the first beef jerky […]
Aina Brands Ltd
Aina Brands is a Hawaiian based company that started in February 2021 with the intent of manufacturing Agricultural value added food and beverage products. Our first product on the market was our 100% Maui Coffee Pods. We then went to the planting, harvesting and processing of specialized varieties of peppers and corn which are then […]