Kuleana Rum Works


Kuleana Rum Works was born on Hawaiʻi Island in 2013 to make and share exquisite rum while creating a thriving local business that celebrates the richness of Hawaiʻi. Our intent is to get people as stoked about high-quality rum as we are by making rum from the best ingredients on Earth and without added sweeteners, flavors or colors. As serious rum lovers, we make super-premium rum in two ways: we distill fresh Hawaiian sugarcane juice into elegant rum agricole using 40 varieties of kō (Hawaiian heirloom sugarcane) grown on our farm in Kohala, Hawaii; and we blend rums from around the world – carefully chosen for their purity and rich taste – into delicious and flavorful products not available anywhere else in the world. To purchase hand sanitizer contact art@kuleanarum.com

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