Wailea Trading Co. Inc


Wailea Trading Co., Inc has been creating Hawaii’s finest jewelry since 2003 in the State of Hawaii and has grown to be the premier manufacturer of made-to-order Hawaiian Jewelry in Japan. Our reputation for hand-engraving is unmatched for our expert craftsmanship. All of our unique and stunning Hawaiian jewelry pieces are made by hand by our highly skilled craftsman in our factory. We carefully select the finest quality materials and engrave each piece per the customer’s order. Our highly skilled craftsmen each have over 20 years of experience, and they handle all operations from material formation to processing, finishing, and inspection. This enables them to handle a wide range of orders and designs so they can respond to the detailed requests of our customers. In particular, paired items are handled by the same craftsman, so these paired items are a one-of-a-kind creation by a master jeweler. Their high level of craftsmanship enables them to finish pair jewelry of different materials, widths, and sizes to the same incomparable quality.



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