Made in Hawaiʻi
Branding Workshop

Wednesday, March 29, 2023, 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Hawaiʻi Convention Center

About the Workshop ...

The Branding Workshop will include the following plenary sessions:

  • “Re-positioning the Hawai‘i Fashion Brand” – Perspectives from Harold Koda, former Metropolitan Museum of Arts Costume Institute Curator and co-founder of the Met Gala who re-positioned it from historic exhibitions to a forward fashion trend setter.
  • “Growing and Managing a Global Brand” – Former Walt Disney Company SVP Laurie Lang, who founded corporate global brand management reporting to the CEO and COO, will discuss how to develop the emotional link between brand and customers.
  • “Taking Products to Market Successfully” – A panel to share experiences from a local food manufacturer, internet retail platform and national known media rep.
    • Internationally recognized brand developer and promoter and Maui resident Shep Gordon will share his thoughts on what it takes for Hawai‘i entrepreneurs to achieve global and local success with their Made in Hawai‘i product.
    • Speaking on internet retailing to reach worldwide audiences with Hawai‘i products will be Shopify’s Director of Global Branding Christopher Schmicker who is responsible for global brand strategy & management, community events and partnerships teams in New York and LA, marketing ops and video, merchant milestones.
  • “Best Practices from Place Branding”Dane Ambler, Executive Director of Made in New Zealand, will address lessons learned in growing the NZ geographic branding program, and how they apply to Hawai‘i.
  • “Implementing Made In Hawaiʻi” – A panel with DBEDT, HTA etc. to share ideas to increase collaboration between product and destination marketing.
2023 Branding Workshop Sponsors
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