Hawaiʻi’s Beijing Office

Dennis Suo

Beijing Office

SHOB (State of Hawaiʻi Office in Beijing) was officially setup in 2006 with approval of Chinese central governmental agencies as China National Tourism Administration, China Ministry of Foreign Affairs and China Ministry of Public Security to bridge ties between Hawaiʻi and China in areas of governmental relations, business engagements, education exchanges, reverse investment traffic to Hawaiʻi, promotion of Hawaiʻi clean energy initiative, and the increase of Hawaiʻi exportation of products and services.

Over the past years, SHOB functioned as a facilitator for a great number of cases as China Vice Premier Wu Yi and Wang Qishan Hawaiʻi visits, 260 Chinese business CEOs to Honolulu for APEC, over 150 Hawaiʻi companies for their China market engagements, over thousands of Chinese students to Hawaiʻi for summer camp and short term training and Chinese energy groups to Honolulu for APCESE every year since 2008.

In general, SHOB is the point of contact between Hawaiʻi and China and is ready to assist any requests from Hawaiʻi with instructions of Hawaiʻi DBEDT.

Mr. Dennis Suo
Executive Director
State of Hawaiʻi Office in Beijing
COFCO Plaza, Suite 606, Tower A
8 Jianguomennei Avenue
Beijing 100005 China
Telephone: 861-0-6527-7530
Fax: 861-0-6527-7531
Email: dennis@hawaii.org.cn