Made in Hawai‘i Branding Workshop

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Made in Hawai‘i Branding Workshop

Wednesday, March 29, 2023 

Don’t miss this first-time ever gathering of world-class speakers and decision-makers! Learn about the Made In Hawaiʻi program benefits and provide your feedback to strengthen the brand.

Confirmed Speakers include:

  • Harold Koda, founder of the Met Gala, Keynote Speaker: “POSITIONING HAWAIʻI FASHION BRANDS”
  • Laurie Lang, former Branding Senior Vice President, Walt Disney, Plenary: “GROWING & MANAGING A GLOBAL BRAND”
  • Dane Amber, Executive Director, Buy New Zealand, “BEST PRACTICES FROM PLACE BRANDING”
  • Christopher Schmicker, Global Brand Director, Shopify, Plenary Panel: “TAKING PRODUCTS TO MARKET SUCCESSFULLY”
  • and more!

Event details: 

Date: Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Time: 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM

Venue: Hawaiʻi Convention Center, 1801 Kalakaua Ave., Honolulu, HI 96815

Cost: $75.00 – REGISTER ONLINE

  • Access to all Plenary Sessions and Panels, and Breakout Sessions;
  • Coffee at break, bento lunch and canned drink at Keynote Lunch Session;
  • One drink and light pupus at pau hana event
  • Please note: parking is not included – please pay $15.00 before exiting the garage.

Be sure to check out https://MadeIn.Hawaii.Gov for updates as we get closer to the Workshop!


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