Cybersafe Hawai’i

Cybersafe Hawaii Logo - Vertical Orientation

About Cybersafe Hawai’i

Funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), Cybersafe Hawai’i is a collaborative effort led by the State of Hawaii Department of Business Economic Development & Tourism and community resource partners to highlight the importance of cybersecurity for small businesses.  If your business meets the eligibility requirements, there are FREE services (valued at over $5,000) available to you. 

Program Benefits

The Cybersafe Hawai’i program is designed to help businesses improve their cyber defenses and safeguard against potential attacks.  The program offers the following services at NO COST to a limited number of eligible businesses:

  • Technical Assessments
    What you don’t know about your information system could lead to the loss of operations. Technical assessments will identify existing vulnerabilities that may be exploited by cyber-criminals and provide recommended updates.
  • Cyber Awareness Training
    Available to all interested businesses, training will help identify the most common and best practices for maintaining good cyber hygiene that employers and employees should be aware of.
  • Penetration Testing
    To ensure vulnerabilities have been addressed or additional updates are required, this project will perform penetration testing to validate the security of your information technology network.

Eligibility Requirements

Companies must meet the following requirements to participate:

  • Employ fifty (50) or fewer employees
  • Have been in business less than five (5) years
    • (Non-profits can apply as an exception to the 5-year eligibility requirement.)
  • Be generating revenue
  • Operate in one of the following industries: retail, restaurants, manufacturing, healthcare, construction, agriculture, and finance
  • If not at the time of submission, commit to enrolling as a client of a small business resource partner

For more information and to apply please visit:

Funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)