Great Opportunity to Expose Your Hawaii-Made Products

Posted on Jun 13, 2018 in DBEDT, Display Case, Helping Business, News, Taipei Office

Display Hawaii Made ProductsAnnouncing two great opportunities to provide your products with market exposure in high traffic areas:

  1. Taipei office located at the Taiwan World Trade Center visited by hundreds of buyers weekly.
  2. DBEDT Director’s Office display case viewed by local and international executives, officials and business persons.

We are seeking samples for display:

  1. For applicable perishable items, the package/box will suffice.
  2. Products will be credited to the manufacturer.

How to Sign up

NO COST, just fill out the Display Case Form, and deliver (or mail) samples to:

Timothy Tiu
250 S. Hotel Street, Room 503
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813


Call Timothy Tiu at 808-587-2759 or email