Export Readiness Program (HiSTEP-ERP)
About the HiSTEP Export Readiness Program
The Export Readiness Program (HiSTEP-ERP) is a training and advising program to prepare Hawaii companies to begin or expand their export market development. The program includes one-on-one export business advising and export training seminars. HiSTEP-ERP is open to all types of businesses considering exporting. At the conclusion of the program, companies will have a go-to-market strategy and export plan.
Upcoming Events
The schedule for the 2025 Export Readiness Program (ERP) will be released shortly. Please check back soon for updates.
The following is the current list of seminars scheduled for the 2024 HiSTEP Program:
The following is the current list of seminars scheduled for the 2025 HiSTEP – Export Readiness Program (ERP):
Thursday, February 6, 2025, 3:00PM – 4:00PM HST (Virtual Session)
For more information and to register virtually: International Trade Shows – Virtual
International Trade Shows are being held in-person again now that the global pandemic is waning. There is a great deal of pent-up demand to meet face-to-face and display products and services available for sale. Several international trade show subsidized pavilions with Hawaii branding are being organized by DBEDT and HDOA with HiSTEP support. If you are planning to join in one of the Hawaii pavilions or if you are going to attend any other international trade show–with or without HiSTEP support–this event will teach you some things to consider that can save you time and money. We will also discuss basic booth etiquette and cultural issues, which can be quite different than attending a trade show in Hawaii or on the mainland.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 1:00PM – 5:00PM HST (Virtual Session)
For more information and to register virtually: Export University 101 – Virtual
Learn from subject matter experts the fundamentals of core export courses, including finance, marketing, legal, information technology, logistics, and cultural issues. This course is designed to provide broad, high level insights into these topics and give the exporter or potential exporter ideas to contemplate and issues to prepare for when sending products and services overseas.
Past Events
The following is a list of previous events related to the HiSTEP Export Readiness Program.
Thursday, January 25, 2024, 3:00PM – 4:00PM HST (Virtual Session)
For more information and to register virtually: International Trade Shows – Virtual
International Trade Shows are being held in-person again now that the global pandemic is waning. There is a great deal of pent-up demand to meet face-to-face and display products and services available for sale. Several international trade show subsidized pavilions with Hawaii branding are being organized by DBEDT and HDOA with HiSTEP support. If you are planning to join in one of the Hawaii pavilions or if you are going to attend any other international trade show–with or without HiSTEP support–this event will teach you some things to consider that can save you time and money. We will also discuss basic booth etiquette and cultural issues, which can be quite different than attending a trade show in Hawaii or on the mainland.
Thursday, February 22, 2024, 1:00PM – 4:00PM HST (Virtual Session)
For more information and to register virtually: Export University 101 – Virtual
Learn from experts the fundamentals of core export courses, including finance, marketing, legal, information technology, logistics, and cultural issues. This course is designed to provide broad, high level insights to these topics and give the exporter or potential exporter ideas to contemplate and issues to prepare for when sending products and services overseas.
Logistics and Shipping Training Webinar #1
Wednesday, April 10, 2024, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
- Reiko T. Rogers presents an overview of the logistics and shipping process, with rules and requirements explained step-by-step.
- We introduce Katsuyo Delauder, representing freight forwarder Yamato Transport USA.
- The Q&A from this and the other two webinars will be compiled into an FAQ that will be posted later on invest.hawaii.gov.
- Download the presentation deck here.
- Please view the video recording here.
Multilingual Websites, Social Media, and E-Commerce Trends for Exporters
Tuesday, April 23, 2024, 3:00PM – 4:00PM HST (Virtual Session)
For more information and to register virtually: Register Here on Zoom
The information technology (IT) used to market products and services has changed significantly in the past few years. This webinar is designed to provide the latest information about which IT platforms can be deployed at a reasonable cost to maximize returns on the time and money invested.
Logistics and Shipping Training Webinar #2
Wednesday, April 24, 2024, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
- Reiko T. Rogers recaps key steps of the logistics and shipping process.
- We introduce Mayumi Yokozawa, CEO of TSC, importer of food and gift/stationery items.
- The Q&A from this and the other two webinars will be compiled into an FAQ that will be posted later on invest.hawaii.gov.
- Download the presentation deck here.
- Please view the video recording here.
Logistics and Shipping Training Webinar #3
Wednesday, May 8, 2024, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
- Reiko T. Rogers recaps key steps of the logistics and shipping process.
- We introduce Akira Sasaki, importer of apparel and accessories for the Hankyu Hawaiʻi Fair and several other events and retailers.
- The Q&A from this and the other two webinars will be compiled into an FAQ that will be posted later on invest.hawaii.gov.
- Download the presentation deck here.
- Please view the video recording here.
Exporting of Agricultural Products from Hawaii
Thursday, May 23, 2024, 3:00PM – 4:00PM HST (Virtual Session)
Agricultural products–including beverages and processed foods–are a growing export of the Hawaii economy. This webinar will introduce you to several federal, state, and county resources, as well as international events and activities, that are available to agricultural exporters.
Exporting to the Philippines from Hawaii
Thursday, June 20, 2024, 5:00PM – 6:00PM HST (Virtual Session)
Hawaii and the Philippines share strong cultural bonds that make the archipelago a natural market for Hawaii’s exports of product and services. This HiSTEP session will introduce Hawaii companies to organizations and people who can be helpful to establishing business in the connections. Speakers include DBEDT, the US Commercial Service in Manila, the US Foreign Agriculture Service, and others.
Exporting to Taiwan from Hawaii
Thursday, August 22, 2024, 3:00PM – 4:00PM HST (Virtual Session)
Taiwan has been growing as an export market for Hawaii companies. As a wealthy island nation with a developing beach and surf culture, Taiwan is an attractive export market for Hawaii companies. The ease of doing business in Taiwan is often ranked as one of the easiest in the world and our local companies can take advantage of the geography and longstanding cultural ties. This seminar will introduce attendees to Taiwan topics, as well as introduce key people and organizations that can help when exporting to Taiwan.
Intellectual Property Protection for Exporters
Due to a last-minute schedule change with the speaker, this session has been rescheduled to:
Thursday, September 26, 2024, 3:00PM – 4:00PM HST (Virtual Session)
For more information and to register virtually: Register Here on Zoom
Learn about key legal considerations as you engage your business with new partners or overseas markets. The focus will be trademarks, patents and copyrights; however. other important legal topics (such as when to use foreign counsel) will also be reviewed.
Exporting to Australia & New Zealand from Hawaii
Wednesday, October 2, 2024, 3:00PM – 4:00PM HST (New Date)
For more information and to register virtually: Register Here on Zoom
Australia and New Zealand (ANZ) are potentially interesting markets for Hawaii exporters as both countries have: direct flights to the islands, strong beach and surf cultures, and a growing appetite for natural and organic products. This webinar will feature US commercial service officers and businesspeople joining us from ANZ to discuss market trends and provide insights as to how to market your products to those markets.
Export Plan Writing Workshop (By Invitation Only)
Thursday, October 17, 2024, 3:00PM – 4:00PM HST (New Date) (By Invitation Only)
Enrollment limited
This two-part workshop will help companies develop an Export Plan specific to their business. The first workshop will review in detail a professional Export Plan template, after which the companies will have a month to do research and begin to complete out the template. The second workshop is one-on-one and will review key concepts of the Export Plan, discuss progress the companies have made on their plans, and answer any questions via a roundtable discussion. At the end of the process, the companies should have an understanding of their ability to export, areas they need to improve upon, target market(s) to address, next steps to accomplish, and key contacts to meet in order to start moving the new Export Plan forward.
Export Day (In-Person Event)
Friday, October 25, 2024, 2:00PM – 5:00PM (in-person event)
Foreign Trade Zone No. 9
For more information and to register: Register Here on Eventbrite
The Export Day event will bring together key stakeholders in the Hawaii export value chain, including companies that export products and services, government, academia, logistics providers, financial institutions, legal, intellectual property protection, agriculture, education, and many others.
Next Page: Go Global! (HiSTEP-GG) >

Funded in part through a Grant with the U.S. Small Business Administration
We are now confirming the 2024 schedule of training events. Please be sure to visit this page after we update it.
The following is the current list of seminars scheduled for the 2023 HiSTEP Program:
2023 HiSTEP Kick-off Seminars
DBEDT HiSTEP Kick Off 2023 Presentation
Hawaiʻi Island: Wednesday, October 26, 2022, 10:00 AM
Registration: Zoom #1, Hawaiʻi Island
2023 HiSTEP Kick-Off Video-Hawaii Island
Maui: Wednesday, October 26, 2022, 2:00 PM
Registration: Zoom #2, Maui
2023 HiSTEP Kick-Off Video-Maui
Oʻahu: Thursday, October 27, 2022, 10:00 AM
Registration: Zoom #3, Oahu
2023 HiSTEP Kick-Off Video-Oahu
Kauaʻi: Thursday, October 27, 2022, 2:00 PM
Registration: Zoom #4, Kauaʻi
2023 HiSTEP Kick-Off Video-Kauai
The HiSTEP program has three key components that you will learn about in the seminar:
- Export Readiness Program – training and consulting to help you begin or expand your export market development plans.
- Hawai‘i Pavilions – support at major trade shows such as the Tokyo International Gift Show
- Company Assistance – awards of up to $5,000 for new-to-export companies and up to $15,000 for market expansion companies.
This year four HiSTEP 2023 kick-off sessions will be held, each with a different island/county emphasis.
Thursday, March 2, 2023, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM HST
Hybrid meeting: In-person venue and virtual. Please register for one only.
- In-Person Venue: Foreign Trade Zone No. 9, Homer Maxey International Trade Center Conference Room, 521 Ala Moana Blvd.
- Please register here: International Trade Shows-In Person
- Virtual registration: For more information and to register virtually: International Trade Shows-Virtual
International Trade Shows are being held in-person again now that the global pandemic is waning. There is a great deal of pent-up demand to meet face-to-face and display products and services available for sale. Several international trade show subsidized pavilions with Hawaii branding are being organized by DBEDT and HDOA with HiSTEP support. If you are planning to join in one of the Hawaii pavilions or if you are going to attend any other international trade show–with or without HiSTEP support–this event will teach you some things to consider that can save you time and money. We will also discuss basic booth etiquette and cultural issues, which can be quite different than attending a trade show in Hawaii or on the mainland.
Thursday, March 30, 2023, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM HST
Hybrid meeting: In-person venue and virtual. Please register for one only.
- In-Person Venue: Foreign Trade Zone No. 9, Homer Maxey International Trade Center Conference Room, 521 Ala Moana Blvd.
- Please register here: Legal, Contracts, and Intellectual Property Protection for Exporters-In Person
- Virtual registration: For more information and to register virtually: Legal, Contracts, and Intellectual Property Protection for Exporters-Virtual
Learn about key legal considerations as you engage your business with new partners or overseas markets. Topics covered may include: contracts, export documentation, export licenses, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), protecting intellectual property, and regulations.
Thursday, April 27, 2023, 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM HST
Hybrid meeting: In-person venue and virtual. Please register for one only.
- In-Person Venue: Foreign Trade Zone No. 9, Homer Maxey International Trade Center Conference Room, 521 Ala Moana Blvd. Please register here: Exporting to Vietnam
- Virtual registration: For more information and to register virtually: Exporting to Vietnam
Vietnam is a rapidly developing market and US exports to Vietnam are increasing annually across all sectors, including products, services, and agriculture. Learn from experts on the Vietnam market regarding marketing, logistics, and how to utilize key resources such as the US Commercial Service.
Thursday, May 25, 2023, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM HST
Hybrid meeting: In-person venue and virtual. Please register for one only.
- In-Person Venue: Foreign Trade Zone No. 9, Homer Maxey International Trade Center Conference Room, 521 Ala Moana Blvd. Please register here: Working with the U.S. Commerical Service and AmChams to Increase Exports
- Virtual registration: For more information and to register virtually: Working with the U.S. Commercial Service and AmChams to Increase Exports
American companies have two fantastic assets at their disposal when exporting: the American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) and the U.S. Commercial Service (USCS). Nearly every country has an AmCham comprised of local members who are experienced in the market, and there are USCS officers at U.S. embassies and consulates who are able to assist in finding distributors and potential customers. Join us to learn more about international AmChams and how to access USCS officers around the world.
Please check back later for upcoming 2023 HiSTEP Sessions as we prepare for 2023.